

European are at the heart of multimodality. Efficient rail operations and links to and from the ports, as well as within the port are essential to maximise the use of rail as a sustainable transport mode. 

We are especially focused on the investment in and the development of last – mile connection, connecting the national rail network via the port network to the private terminal siding.

Direct Connections

Port is directly connected to the national rail network via own rail network.

Railway of Štúrovo

Second largest railway station in Slovakia, directly connected to the Pan-European Corridor.

Unique Location

Our great and unique location provides excellent conditions for intermodal trasportation.

Pan-European Corridor

from Dresden/Nuremberg to

Thessaloniki or

Constanta or Istanbul

Railway system

Railway Track

The total lenght of the track is approximately 34,7 km.

The maximum allowed axial pressure is 20 tons.


List of operations:

loading, unloading, handling of goods,

apposition, adjustment, the deposit of wagons, shutdown (parking).


Permitions for the operation issued by the Transport Authority with a certificate of technical competence in terms of safe operation.

System includes

Wagon handling yard, arrival rail, wagon handling station.

Transhipment track in the port.

Three rail tracks Engine shed is designed for parking and repair of locomotives, equipped with a bridge crane.

Switch station is a three-storey building.

Train / rail scale is designed to weigh goods and wagons.

Operating building of railway siding.

Deicing tunnel is designed to defrost wagons.

Three Railway Bridges.